Notice on the conversion training course for registered auditors of Occupational health and safety management system

时间:2023-03-07 Number of hits:

Training time: June 24-26, 2014

Training expenses: RMB 1200 yuan/person

Training site: Conference Room of CCIC Shandong Company, 3rd Floor, No.85 Fuzhou South Road, Qingdao

Background introduction

In order to meet the growing business managers of occupational health and safety management system knowledge and audit process management knowledge learning needs,According to CQC work arrangement,Scheduled on June 24 -26 in Qingdao to promote a period of occupational health and safety management system registered auditor conversion training course,The meeting shall be undertaken and invoiced by Shandong China Inspection Training Co., LTD.Matters relating to the training course are hereby notified as follows:

Training content

Occupational health murder case management system auditor conversion training course

Certificates and qualifications

Those who pass the examination will be issued a training certificate recognized by CCAA. Those who fail the written examination can take a make-up examination within one year. Those who fail the make-up examination will be issued a completion certificate。Qualified training meets only one of the requirements of the CCAA for personnel registration。

Other instructions

Enrollment: 35 students per session, 3 days of training。

Requirements for registration of trainees (both must be met)
1. College degree or above;
2, with at least 4 years of work experience in technical or management positions;
3, the above work experience should have at least 3 years of occupational health and safety management corresponding work experience;
Have successfully completed at least 40 hours of auditor training in one of the areas of Quality Management system (QMS) or Environmental Management System (EMS)。

Training fee: RMB 1200/ person (including: training fee, certificate fee, teaching materials fee, exam fee, etc.)。Room and board expenses, can help arrange, and the training fee together with the "training fee" invoice。

Students have the right to lodge a complaint with CQC or CCAA if they have any objection。

Please fill in the Registration Form and fax it to the Training Department of CCIC Shandong Company or email it to cqcguo@126 before June 20,, the company will determine the participants according to the selection order of the students' admission form (no more than 30 people per training course)。

For qualified trainees, CCIC Shandong company can register on behalf of them, and excellent candidates can be employed as their professional/part-time employees


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