Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China

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Adopted at the 30th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on February 22, 1993, promulgated by Presidential Order No. 71

Chapter I General provisions

  Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of strengthening supervision and control over product quality, raising the level of product quality, clarifying responsibility for product quality, protecting the lawful rights and interests of consumers and maintaining social and economic order。

  Article 2 Anyone engaged in the production or sale of products within the territory of the People's Republic of China must abide by this Law。
  The term "product" as used in this Law refers to the product that has been processed or made for sale。
  The provisions of this Law shall not apply to construction projects;However, the provisions of this Law shall apply to building materials, building structures, accessories and equipment used in construction projects that fall within the product range specified in the preceding paragraph。

  Article 3 Producers and sellers shall establish and improve internal product quality management systems, strictly implement post quality norms, quality responsibilities and corresponding assessment methods。

  Article 4 Producers and sellers shall bear the responsibility for product quality in accordance with the provisions of this Law。

  Article 5 It is prohibited to forge or falsely use certification marks and other quality marks;It is prohibited to forge the origin of a product, forge or falsely use another person's factory name or address;It is prohibited to adulterate or adulterate the products produced or sold, pass them off as genuine or shoddy。

  Article 6 The State encourages the promotion of scientific methods of quality control, the adoption of advanced science and technology, and encourages the quality of products of enterprises to meet and exceed the industry standards, national standards and international standards。
  Units and individuals with advanced product quality management and outstanding achievements in product quality reaching the international advanced level shall be rewarded。

  Article 7 People's governments at all levels shall incorporate the improvement of product quality into their plans for national economic and social development,Strengthen the overall planning and organization of product quality work,To guide and urge producers and sellers to strengthen product quality management,Improve product quality,Organize relevant departments to take measures according to law,To stop acts in violation of the provisions of this Law in the production and sale of products,To ensure the enforcement of this Law。

  Article 8 The department for supervision over product quality under The State Council shall be responsible for supervision over product quality throughout the country。The relevant departments under The State Council shall be responsible for product quality supervision within the scope of their respective functions and duties。

  Local departments for supervision over product quality at or above the county level shall be in charge of supervision over product quality within their respective administrative areas。The relevant departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for product quality supervision within the scope of their respective functions and duties。
  Where there are other provisions in the law on the supervisory departments of product quality, the provisions of the relevant laws shall prevail。

  Article 9 Functionaries of people's governments at various levels and of other state organs shall not abuse their power, neglect their duties or engage in malpractice for personal gain,Concealing or indulging acts in violation of the provisions of this Law in the production and sale of products occurring in the region or within the system,Or obstruct or interfere with the investigation and punishment of acts violating the provisions of this Law in the production or sale of products according to law。
  Where local people's governments at various levels or other state organs cover up or indulge acts in violation of the provisions of this Law in the production or sale of products, their principal responsible persons shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law。

  Article 10 Any unit or individual shall have the right to report any violation of the provisions of this Law to the department for supervision over product quality or any other relevant department。
  The supervision department for product quality and the departments concerned shall keep the information confidential for the informants and give awards in accordance with the provisions of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government。

  Article 11 No unit or individual may exclude qualified products produced by enterprises other than the local area or the local system from entering the local area or the local system。

Chapter II Supervision of product quality

  Article 12 The quality of a product shall pass the inspection, and no unqualified product may be passed off as a qualified product。

  Article 13 Industrial products that may endanger human health and the safety of person and property must conform to the national standards and trade standards for the protection of human health and the safety of person and property;Where no national or industrial standards have been formulated, the requirements for safeguarding human health and personal and property safety must be met。
  It is prohibited to produce or sell industrial products that do not meet the standards and requirements for safeguarding human health and the safety of person and property。Specific administrative measures shall be formulated by The State Council。

  Article 14 The State shall implement the enterprise quality system certification system in accordance with the internationally accepted quality management standards。An enterprise may, on a voluntary basis, apply for enterprise quality system certification to a certification body recognized by the department for product quality supervision under The State Council or recognized by a department authorized by the department for product quality supervision under The State Council。After the certification, the certification body issued the enterprise quality system certification certificate。
  The State shall implement a product quality certification system with reference to international advanced product standards and technical requirements。An enterprise may, on a voluntary basis, apply for product quality certification to a certification body recognized by the department for supervision over product quality under The State Council or by a department authorized by the department for supervision over product quality under The State Council。If it has passed the certification, the certification body shall issue a product quality certification certificate and permit the enterprise to use the product quality certification mark on the product or its packaging。

  Article 15 The State practices a supervision and inspection system with random inspection as the main method for product quality, and conducts random inspection of products that may endanger human health and personal and property safety, important industrial products that affect the national economy and people's livelihood, and products with quality problems reported by consumers and relevant organizations。The samples for random inspection shall be randomly selected from the products to be sold in the market or the finished product warehouse of the enterprise。The work of supervision and random inspection shall be planned and organized by the department for supervision over product quality under The State Council。Local product quality supervision departments at or above the county level may also organize supervision and spot checks within their respective administrative areas。Where the law provides otherwise for the supervision and inspection of product quality, the provisions of the relevant law shall apply。
  For products subject to state supervision and random inspection, local authorities may not make repeated random inspection;Where a higher level supervises a random inspection of a product, a lower level may not make another random inspection。
  Products may be inspected according to the needs of supervision and random inspection。The number of samples taken for inspection shall not exceed the reasonable need for inspection, and no inspection fee shall be charged to the person inspected。The inspection fees required for supervision and random inspection shall be paid in accordance with the regulations of The State Council。
  Where a producer or seller has objections to the results of the random inspection, it may, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the inspection results, apply to the department for supervision over product quality that conducted the random inspection or to the department for supervision over product quality at its higher level for re-inspection, and the department for supervision over product quality that accepts the re-inspection shall draw a conclusion on the re-inspection。

  Article 16 No producer or seller may refuse to conduct supervision and inspection of product quality conducted according to law。

  Article 17 Where the quality of a product subject to supervision and random inspection in accordance with the provisions of this Law is substandard, the department for supervision over product quality conducting supervision and random inspection shall order its producers and sellers to make corrections within a prescribed time limit。If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, the product quality supervision department of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall make a public announcement;Those who still fail to pass the examination after the public announcement shall be ordered to suspend business and rectify within a time limit;The business license shall be revoked if the quality of the products still fails to pass the reexamination after the period of rectification has expired。
  Where there are serious quality problems in the products under supervision and random inspection, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter V of this Law。

  Article 18 The product quality supervision department at or above the county level may exercise the following functions and powers when investigating suspected violations of the provisions of this Law on the basis of evidence or reports of suspected violations obtained:
  (1) Conducting on-site inspection of the premises where the parties are suspected of engaging in production or sales activities in violation of this Law;
  (2) To investigate and obtain information from the legal representative, principal responsible person and other relevant personnel of the party concerned concerning the production or sales activities suspected of violating this Law;
  (3) to consult and copy the contracts, invoices, account books and other relevant materials of the parties;
  (4) To seal up or seize the products that are believed to fail to meet the national or industrial standards for the protection of human health and the safety of human life and property, or the products with other serious quality problems, as well as the raw and auxiliary materials, packaging materials and production tools directly used in the production and sale of such products。
  The administrative departments for industry and commerce at or above the county level may exercise the functions and powers provided for in the preceding paragraph when investigating and dealing with suspected violations of the provisions of this Law within the scope of their functions and duties as prescribed by The State Council。

  Article 19 A product quality inspection institution must have the appropriate testing conditions and capabilities, and may undertake product quality inspection only after it has passed the examination by the product quality supervision department of the people's government at or above the provincial level or the department authorized by it。Where laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise for product quality inspection institutions, the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations shall apply。

  Article 20 Social intermediary institutions engaged in product quality inspection and certification must be established according to law, and may not have subordinate relationships or other interest relationships with administrative organs or other state organs。

  Article 21 Product quality inspection bodies and certification bodies must issue inspection results or certification certificates objectively and impartially in accordance with relevant standards in accordance with law。

  The product quality certification body shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State, conduct post-certification follow-up inspection on the products that are permitted to use the certification mark;For those who do not meet the certification standards and use certification marks, require them to correct;If the circumstances are serious, the certification mark shall be disqualified。

  Article 22 A consumer shall have the right to inquire about the quality of a product with respect to the producer or seller of the product;If a complaint is lodged with a product quality supervision department, an administrative department for industry and commerce or a relevant department, the department that accepts the complaint shall be responsible for handling it。

  Article 23 Social organizations that protect the rights and interests of consumers may propose that the relevant departments be responsible for handling the product quality problems reported by consumers, and support consumers in bringing a suit in a people's court for damage caused by product quality。

  Article 24 The departments for product quality supervision under The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall regularly publish announcements on the quality status of the products under their supervision and random inspection。

  Article 25 No product quality supervision department or other state organ or product quality inspection institution may recommend to the public the products of the producer;It is not allowed to participate in product management activities by supervising the production or marketing of products。


Chapter III Product quality responsibility and obligations of producers and sellers

Section 1 Responsibility and obligation of producers for product quality

  Article 26 Producers shall be responsible for the quality of the products they produce。

  Product quality shall meet the following requirements:
  (1) Where there is no unreasonable danger to the safety of person and property, and there are national or industrial standards for the protection of human health and the safety of person and property, such standards shall be complied with;
  (2) Having the service performance that the product should have, except that there is a defect in the service performance of the product is explained;
  (3) conforming to the product standards indicated on the product or its package, and conforming to the quality status indicated by means of product descriptions, physical samples, etc。

  Article 27 The marks on a product or its package must be true and meet the following requirements:
  (1) There is a product quality inspection certificate;
  (2) the name of the product, the name and address of the manufacturer indicated in Chinese;
  (3) Where it is necessary to indicate the product specifications, grades, names and contents of the main ingredients contained in the product according to the characteristics and requirements of the use of the product, it shall be indicated in Chinese accordingly;Where it is necessary to let consumers know in advance, it shall be marked on the outer package or provide relevant information to consumers in advance;
  (4) For products to be used within a time limit, the date of production and the safe use period or expiration date shall be clearly marked in a prominent position;
  (5) The improper use of products that are likely to cause damage to the product itself or may endanger the safety of human life and property shall have warning signs or warning instructions in Chinese。
  Unpackaged food and other unpackaged products that are difficult to attach labels according to the characteristics of the product may not attach product labels。

  Article 28 The packaging quality of fragile, flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, radioactive and other dangerous goods, as well as products that cannot be turned upside down during storage and transportation and other products with special requirements must meet the corresponding requirements, and warning signs or warning instructions in Chinese must be made in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, indicating the precautions for storage and transportation。

  Article 29 A producer may not produce products that have been eliminated by explicit state orders。

  Article 30 A producer may not forge the place of origin, nor forge or falsely use the name or address of another factory。

  Article 31 Producers may not forge or falsely use certification marks and other quality marks。

  Article 32 In producing products, producers may not adulterate or adulterate them, pass them off as genuine or shoddy, or pass off unqualified products as qualified products。

Section 2 Sellers' product quality responsibilities and obligations

  Article 33 The seller shall establish and implement the incoming inspection and acceptance system, and verify the product qualification certificate and other marks。

  Article 34 A seller shall take measures to maintain the quality of the products sold。

  Article 35 A seller may not sell products that have been eliminated and ceased to be sold by the State, or products that have become invalid or deteriorated。

  Article 36 The marking of the products sold by a seller shall conform to the provisions of Article 27 of this Law。

  Article 37 A seller may not forge the place of origin, nor forge or falsely use the name or address of another factory。

  Article 38 Sellers may not forge or falsely use certification marks and other quality marks。

  Article 39 A seller may not adulterate or adulterate a product, pass it off as genuine or shoddy, or pass a substandard product off as a qualified product。

Chapter IV Damages

Article 40 Where a product is sold under any of the following circumstances, the seller shall be responsible for repair, replacement or return;If any loss is caused to the consumer who purchased the product, the seller shall compensate for the loss:

  (1) does not have the performance that the product should have and has not been explained in advance;
  (2) failing to conform to the product standards indicated on the product or its package;
  (3) does not conform to the quality status indicated by means of product description, physical sample, etc。
Where a seller is responsible for repair, replacement, return or compensation of losses in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the liability is attributable to the producer or to other sellers who have provided the product to the seller (hereinafter referred to as the supplier), the seller shall have the right to recover from the producer or supplier。
Where a seller fails to repair, replace, return or compensate for losses in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph, the department for supervision over product quality or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order it to make corrections。
Where there are different provisions in a sales contract or a contract of work concluded between producers, sellers, or between producers and sellers, the parties to the contract shall comply with the provisions of the contract。

Article 41 Where a defective product causes damage to the person or property other than the defective product (hereinafter referred to as another person's property), the producer shall be liable for compensation。
The producer shall not be liable for compensation if he can prove any of the following circumstances:
  (1) failing to put the product into circulation;
  (2) the defect causing the damage did not exist at the time the product was put into circulation;
  (3) The scientific and technological level at the time the product was put into circulation was not able to detect the existence of the defect。

  Article 42 Where a defect exists in a product due to the fault of a seller, resulting in damage to the person or property of another person, the seller shall be liable for compensation。
  Where the seller cannot specify the producer of the defective product nor the supplier of the defective product, the seller shall be liable for compensation。

  Article 43 Where a defect in a product causes damage to the person or property of another person, the victim may demand compensation from the producer of the product or from the seller of the product。Where the responsibility falls on the producer of the product and the seller of the product makes the compensation, the seller of the product shall have the right to recover the compensation from the producer of the product。Where the seller of a product is responsible, and the producer of a product makes compensation, the producer of the product shall have the right to recover from the seller of the product。

  Article 44 Personal injury to the victim due to defects in the product,The infringer shall compensate for the medical expenses, nursing expenses during the treatment period, income reduced due to missed work and other expenses;disabling,Payment shall also be made for the cost of living AIDS, living allowances, disability compensation and the necessary living expenses of persons dependent on them;Causing the victim's death,They shall also pay expenses such as funeral expenses, death compensation and living expenses necessary for the persons who were supported by the deceased before his death。
  Where a defective product causes property losses to the victim, the infringer shall restore it to its original state or make compensation at a discount。If the victim suffers other heavy losses as a result, the infringer shall compensate for the losses。

  Article 45 The limitation period for an action to claim compensation for damage caused by defects in a product shall be two years, counted from the time when the party knew or should have known that his rights and interests were harmed。
  The right to claim compensation for damage caused by defective products is forfeited ten years after the defective products causing the damage have been delivered to the original consumer;However, unless the specified safe use period has not been exceeded。

  Article 46 The term "defect" as used in this Law means the existence of an unreasonable danger in a product that endangers the safety of person or another person's property;If a product has a national standard or an industry standard for the protection of human health and the safety of person and property, it means that it does not comply with such standard。

  Article 47 Where a civil dispute arises over the quality of a product, the parties may settle it through consultation or mediation。If the parties are unwilling to settle the dispute through consultation or mediation, or if consultation or mediation fails, they may apply to an arbitration institution for arbitration according to the agreement between the parties.If the parties have not reached an arbitration agreement or the arbitration agreement is invalid, they may bring a suit directly in a people's court。

  Article 48 An arbitration institution or a people's court may entrust a product quality inspection institution as provided for in Article 19 of this Law to inspect the quality of the products concerned。

Chapter V Penalty provisions

  Article 49 Producing or selling a product that does not conform to the national or trade standards for the protection of human health and the safety of person and property,Order to stop production and sales,Products illegally produced and sold shall be confiscated,Illegal production and sale of products (including sold and unsold products),The same below) a fine of not less than three times the value of the goods;There are illegal gains,The illegal gains shall also be confiscated;serious,Revocation of business license;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。

  Article 50 Adulteration and adulteration in products,Pass for the real,Shoddy and good,Or passing off an unqualified product as a qualified product,Order to stop production and sales,Products illegally produced and sold shall be confiscated,Shall also be fined not less than 50% but not more than three times the value of the products illegally produced or sold;There are illegal gains,The illegal gains shall also be confiscated;serious,Revocation of business license;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。

  Article 51 Producing products that have been eliminated by official state order,Selling products that the state has expressly eliminated and stopped selling,Order to stop production and sales,Products illegally produced and sold shall be confiscated,Shall also be fined not more than the equivalent amount of the value of the products illegally produced or sold;There are illegal gains,The illegal gains shall also be confiscated;serious,Revoke business license。

  Article 52 Whoever sells invalid or deteriorated products shall be ordered to stop the sale, the illegally sold products shall be confiscated, and a fine of not more than twice the value of the illegally sold products shall be imposed.If there are any illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated concurrently;If the circumstances are serious, the business license shall be revoked;If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。

  Article 53 Forging the origin of a product,Forging or falsely using another's factory name or address,Forging or falsely using certification marks or other quality marks,Order correction,Products illegally produced and sold shall be confiscated,Shall also be fined not more than the equivalent amount of the value of the products illegally produced or sold;There are illegal gains,The illegal gains shall also be confiscated;serious,Revoke business license。

  Article 54 The identification of a product does not conform to the provisions of Article 27 of this Law,Order correction;The labels of packaged products do not conform to the provisions of Article 27 (4) and (5) of this Law,serious,Order to stop production and sales,Shall also be fined not more than 30 percent of the value of the products illegally produced or sold;There are illegal gains,The illegal gains shall also be confiscated。

  Article 55 Where a seller sells a product prohibited from sale as provided for in Articles 49 to 53 of this Law and has sufficient evidence to prove that he did not know that the product is a product prohibited from sale and truthfully states the source of its purchase, he may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment。

  Article 56 Those who refuse to accept the supervision and inspection of product quality conducted according to law shall be given a warning and ordered to make corrections;Those who refuse to make corrections shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification;If the circumstances are particularly serious, the business license shall be revoked。

  Article 57 A product quality inspection body or certification body forges inspection results or issues false certificates,Order correction,A fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan shall be imposed on the unit,The persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be imposed a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan;There are illegal gains,The illegal gains shall also be confiscated;serious,Cancel its inspection qualification and certification qualification;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。
  Where the inspection results or certificates issued by product quality inspection bodies or certification bodies are untrue and cause losses, they shall bear the corresponding liability for compensation;If heavy losses are caused, its inspection qualification or certification qualification shall be revoked。
  A product quality certification body violates the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of this Law,The use of certification marks for products that do not meet certification standards,Failing to require it to correct or cancel its qualification for using certification marks according to law,Losses caused to consumers because products do not meet the certification standards,Jointly and severally liable with the producers and sellers of the products;serious,Revoke its certification。

  Article 58 Where a social organization or social intermediary makes a commitment or guarantee to the quality of a product, and the product fails to meet the quality requirements of its commitment or guarantee, thereby causing losses to consumers, it shall be jointly and severally liable with the producer or seller of the product。

  Article 59 Any person who makes false publicity about product quality in an advertisement, deceives or misleads consumers, shall be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the Advertisement Law of the People's Republic of China。

  Article 60 A producer shall confiscate the raw and auxiliary materials, packaging materials and tools of production used exclusively for the production of the products listed in Article 49 and Article 51 of this Law or the products that are passed off as genuine。

  Article 61 Those who know or should know about products whose production and sale are prohibited by this Law and provide them with convenient conditions for transportation, storage, warehousing, etc,Or providing technology for the production of counterfeit products,Confiscation of all income from transportation, custody, storage or provision of counterfeiting production technology,Shall also be fined not less than 50% but not more than three times the illegal income;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。

  Article 62 A business operator of a service industry uses a product whose sale is prohibited under Articles 49 to 52 of this Law for commercial services,Order to stop its use;Knows or should know that the products used are products whose sale is prohibited by this Law,The amount is based on the value of the illegally used products (both used and unused products),The sellers shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of this Law on penalties。

  Article 63 Whoever conceals, transfers, sells off or damages any article sealed up or detained by the department for supervision over product quality or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall be fined not less than three times the value of the hidden, transferred, sold off or damaged article;If there are any illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated。

  Article 64 If a person who violates the provisions of this Law shall bear civil liability for compensation and pay a fine or fine, he shall bear civil liability for compensation first if his property is insufficient to pay the fine at the same time。

  Article 65 Personnel of people's governments at various levels and personnel of other state organs shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law under any of the following circumstances;If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:
  (1) concealing or indulging acts in violation of the provisions of this Law in the production or sale of a product;
  (2) giving information to a party engaged in production or sales activities in violation of the provisions of this Law, helping him to evade investigation and punishment;
  (3) obstructing or interfering with the investigation by the departments for supervision over product quality or the administrative departments for industry and commerce into violations of the provisions of this Law in the production or sale of products according to law, resulting in serious consequences。

  Article 66 Where the department for supervision over product quality requests samples in excess of the prescribed quantity or collects inspection fees from the person under inspection during random inspection for supervision over product quality,The product quality supervision department or supervisory organ at a higher level shall order the return;serious,The persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law。

  Article 67 The product quality supervision department or any other state organ violates the provisions of Article 25 of this Law,Recommending the producer's products to the public or participating in product management activities by supervising production or marketing, etc,The higher authority or the supervisory authority shall order it to make corrections,Eliminate the effect,Any illegal income shall be confiscated;serious,The persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions according to law。
  Where an institution for inspection of product quality commits any of the illegal acts listed in the preceding paragraph, the department for supervision over product quality shall order it to make corrections and eliminate the effects, and the illegal income shall be confiscated and may concurrently impose a fine of not more than twice the illegal income;If the circumstances are serious, the qualification for quality inspection shall be revoked。

  Article 68 Any staff member of a product quality supervision department or an administrative department for industry and commerce who abuses his power, neglects his duty or engages in malpractices for personal gains, if the case constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law;If the case does not constitute a crime, administrative sanctions shall be imposed according to law。

  Article 69 Whoever, by means of violence or threat, obstructs the personnel of the departments for supervision over product quality or the administrative departments for industry and commerce from performing their duties according to law shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law;Whoever refuses or obstructs without resorting to violence or threat shall be punished by the public security organ in accordance with the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for public security。

  Article 70 The administrative punishment for revocation of a business license as provided for in this Law shall be decided by the administrative department for industry and commerce, and the administrative punishment provided for in Articles 49 to 57 and 60 to 63 of this Law shall be decided by the department for supervision over product quality or the administrative department for industry and commerce in accordance with the scope of functions and powers prescribed by The State Council。Where laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise for the organs exercising the power of administrative penalties, the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations shall apply。

  Article 71 Products confiscated in accordance with the provisions of this Law shall be destroyed or disposed of by other means in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State。

  Article 72 The value of the goods specified in Articles 49 to 54, 62 and 63 of this Law shall be calculated by the marked price of the products illegally produced or sold;If there is no price, the price shall be calculated according to the market price of similar products。

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

  Article 73 Measures for supervision and control over the quality of military products shall be formulated separately by The State Council and the Central Military Commission。

  Where laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise for the liability for compensation for damage caused by nuclear installations or nuclear products, such provisions shall apply。

  Article 74 This Law shall come into force as of September 1, 1993。


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