China Inspection Jiangsu company to Shandong company research and exchange

时间:2024-03-04 Number of hits:

       On February 28, An Gang, Party secretary, chairman and general manager of Jiangsu Company of China Inspection Company, went to Shandong Company for research, and had a discussion with Dong Lei, Party secretary, chairman and general manager of Shandong Company。

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       An Gang introduced the overall situation and business development of Jiangsu company, and shared the company's relevant experience in the reform of business units, product line construction and regional management。He pointed out that Shandong company and Jiangsu company have more in common in terms of business structure and business development, and hopes that the two sides can further strengthen cooperation and exchanges, expand business increments, optimize business structure, jointly improve development efficiency, and contribute to promoting high-quality development of China Inspection。

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       At the meeting, Dong Lei warmly welcomed the visit of Angang and introduced the basic overview, business development and internal organization adjustment of Shandong company, focusing on the company's regional layout, three institutional reforms, market development and investment merger situation。He said that he is willing to maintain close communication with Jiangsu company, give full play to the advantages of both sides, increase market development efforts, expand cooperation in multiple fields, work together and forge ahead, and inject inexhaustible impetus for the prosperity and development of China Inspection。

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       Ma Hanqi, Liu Xiang, Peng Cheng, Party Committee members of Jiangsu Company, Yang Bo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong Company, Zhang Jun, deputy general manager Liu Zhiteng, Wang Zhuojun and heads of relevant departments of both sides attended the meeting。   



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