Work safety | Strengthen safety education and implement safety requirements -- Huangdao Company, a subsidiary of Shandong Company, carried out fire safety and escape drills

时间:2024-03-20 Number of hits:

       为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要指示批示精神及集团安全生产工作会议要求,Further strengthen the safety awareness of the company's employees,Improve the staff's ability to respond to emergencies,3月15日,Huangdao Inspection and Certification Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Huangdao Company) of Shandong Company carried out fire drill activities in the headquarters of the company,Huangdao company leaders and employees of various departments participated in the exercise。

       Before the start of the drill, the fire training instructor first introduced the national fire safety forms and basic fire safety knowledge, and explained the fire safety common sense from the aspects of fire accidents and hidden danger cases in the form of pictures and pictures。Subsequently, the training instructor carefully interpreted how to prevent fire, how to correctly alarm, how to escape the fire, the correct use of fire extinguishers and other fire safety common sense。At the same time, on-site emergency drill activities were organized. When the alarm sounded, all personnel bent down, covered their mouths and noses, and evacuated in an orderly manner according to the guidance of fire training staff。After evacuating to the safe area, the staff lit the flame within the safe area and restored the real situation of the fire scene, and the staff carried out actual extinguishing operations using dry powder fire extinguishers one by one。

       Through this fire drill, the employees of Huangdao Company not only mastered the use of fire extinguishers, but also enhanced their ability to deal with emergencies, laying a solid foundation for solid production safety work, and ensuring the steady progress of all work。In the future, Huangdao Company will take this fire drill as an opportunity to continue to tighten the safety string, do a good job in safe production, resolutely implement the requirements of "unsafe production, unsafe construction, unsafe not to start", and build a strong safety defense line for the company's high-quality development。

Strengthen safety education and implement safety requirements - Huangdao Company carries out fire safety and escape drill photo 1.jpg

Strengthen safety education and implement safety requirements - Huangdao Company carries out fire safety and escape drill photo 2.jpg


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