China Inspection and Certification Group Shandong Co., LTD

(China Quality Certification Center Shandong Evaluation Center)


Notice on holding ISO9000 national registered auditor training course


All relevant units and personnel:

In order to meet the growing enterprise managers' learning needs for quality management system certification knowledge and audit process management knowledge,According to CQC work arrangement,A training course for national Certified auditors of quality management system will be held in Qingdao from October 21 to October 25,The conference will be organized by CCIC Shandong Company.Matters relating to the training course are hereby notified as follows:

1. Enrollment Courses:2008 version of the ISO9000 national registered auditor training course。(Course Approval Number: CCAA-Q-002-2002)

2. Enrollment: 36 students per session, 5 days of training。

Third, training time: October 21 - October 25, October 20, 15:00-18:00 registration

Address: Conference Room of CCIC Shandong Company, 3rd Floor, No.85 Fuzhou South Road, Qingdao

Training Venue: Conference Room of CCIC Shandong Company, 3rd Floor, No.85 Fuzhou South Road, Qingdao

4. Qualifications for registration of training personnel (to be met at the same time) :

1, with full-time college (including) higher education degree;

2, with at least 4 years of work experience in technical or management positions;

3, the above work experience should have at least 2 years of work experience related to quality management。

5. Training fee: RMB2600元/人(Including: training fee, certificate fee, textbook fee, exam fee, etc.)。Room and board expenses, Monday to Friday can go to the company restaurant, (lunch: 20 yuan a meal, breakfast 10 yuan a meal), the rest of the time by themselves。

6. Those who pass the exam will be issued a training certificate recognized by CCAA. Those who fail to pass the written exam can take a make-up examination within one year, and those who fail to pass the make-up examination will be issued a completion certificate。Qualified training meets only one of the requirements of the CCAA for personnel registration。

7. Students have the right to complain to CQC or CCAA if they have any objection。

8. Please fill in the Student Enrollment Form carefully and register inOctober 16, 2014Please fax the Registration Form to the Training Department of CCIC Shandong or email it to, the company will determine the participants according to the order of the enrollment registration form (no more than 40 people per training course)。

Ix. Registration and Employment

For those qualified and eligible for training, CCIC Shandong Company can register on behalf of them, and excellent students can hire them as full-time/part-time engaged in relevant certification audit work, while providing generous salaries。


Contact: Lu Liangzu Han Yanan (head teacher)

Tel: 0532-80887910 80887900 Fax: 0532-80887918





China Inspection and Certification Group China Quality Certification Center

                                Shandong Co., LTD. Shandong Evaluation center

September 26, 2014



Take bus 218, 312 from the railway station to Fuyuan Subdistrict, take bus 210, 322 from the long-distance station to Fuyuan Subdistrict, take bus 32 to the Institute of Marine Geology, from the airport by bus to the corner of Jiangxi Road and Fuzhou South Road。


CQC ISO9000 Auditor training course

Student entry form


姓    名

性   别

Date of birth

Work unit

Id number

/ Passport number

Mailing address

电    话

传   真

邮    编

学    历

专    业

Graduate School

Graduation time

Job resume

CCAA personnel registration requirements

  Trainee auditor registration requirements:

  Education experience: College degree or above;

  Work experience: Applicants should have at least 4 years of work experience in technical or managerial positions;

  Quality management work experience: Applicants should have at least 2 years of work experience related to quality management in their total work experience.

  Additional requirements can be found at 


  1. CQC training certificate will be issued to those who pass the exam;

  2, the trainees qualified training only helps to obtain the knowledge and skills required for CCAA personnel registration;

  3. Students have the right to complain to CQC or CCAA if they have any objection;CQC training institution application and complaint procedures are available upon request。 

  Student Signature: Date:

  Review comments:        

  £agree £disagree


  Signature: Date:


Note: Please fill in this form carefully, and then sign at the student's signature。


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