Agricultural products and food

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Occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS) is a modern safety production management model that rose internationally in the late 1980s, and it is known as a post-industrial epoch-making management method together with the management system stipulated by ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards。The GB/T28001-2011 OHSAS18001:2007 standard is the only OHSAS standard currently available for third-party certification, which provides a structured operating mechanism for organizations to improve safety management and promote occupational health and safety and continuous improvement。The implementation, implementation and certification of the occupational safety and health management system can ensure that the enterprise can provide all employees with an environment where the occupational safety and health requirements are controlled, and ensure that the various interests of employees, enterprises and relevant parties are met。Improve the safety quality, safety awareness and operational skills of employees, so that employees consciously prevent safety and health risks in production and business activities, so as to effectively eliminate or reduce employee risks and relevant parties may encounter occupational safety risks, reduce the occupational safety and health risks of enterprise operations, and achieve sustainable business operations。


State-owned central enterprises violate the eight provisions of the central mental problems

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