Certification service

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GMP for dairy products is based on GB12693-2003 "Good Production Practices for Dairy Enterprises" as the certification basis。The standard specifies the conditions and requirements for personnel, construction, facilities, equipment and health, production and quality management in the process of raw material procurement, processing, packaging, storage and transportation of dairy enterprises。

Dairy HACCP is for liquid 80% solid milk containing more than 70% milk and dairy products of specific foods, need to carry out special dairy HACCP certification。The three standards of "Hazard Analysis and Critical control point system General Requirements for food production enterprises", "Hazard Analysis and critical control point system Requirements for dairy production enterprises" and GB12693-2003 "Good Production Practices for Dairy enterprises" are used as the basis for HACCP certification of dairy enterprises。

Scope: Food state is solid food containing more than 70% milk;When the food is liquid, it contains more than 80% milk。


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