Certification service

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Organic farming refers to following certain organic agricultural production standards,Organisms and their products obtained without the use of genetic engineering in production,Do not use chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, feed additives and other substances,Follow the laws of nature and principles of ecology,Coordinate the balance between planting and breeding,A mode of agricultural production that uses a range of sustainable agricultural techniques to maintain a continuous and stable agricultural production system。

Organic products refer to the products that come from the organic agricultural production system, are produced, processed and sold according to the international organic agricultural production requirements and corresponding standards, and are certified by independent organic certification bodies for human consumption and animal consumption。The certification of organic products in China is implemented in accordance with GB/T 19630-2019 "Requirements for the Production, processing, Labeling and Management System of Organic Products"。

The scope includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, flowers, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, sugar production, botanical Chinese medicine, etc。


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